On behalf of HafenCity Hamburg GmbH, Mull und Partner Ingenieurgesellschaft joined forces with Umtec Prof. Biener, Sasse, Konertz Partnerschaft Beratende Ingenieure and IGB Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH to form a project consortium and plan the work to be carried out on the construction site at the Überseezentrum.
Demolition, explosive ordnance detection and clearance and earthworks go hand in hand to ensure that the site clearance work runs smoothly. The work will continue to be supervised and monitored by our partners and us. Innovative solutions are not left out of the equation.
The EGGERS Group, which was commissioned to carry out the work, is using semi-automated drill rigs for the first time for the detection of explosive ordnance (https://www.linkedin.com/posts/eggersgruppe_eggersgruppe-kampfmittelbergung-grasbrook-activity-6948188657384116224-mPZT?utm_source=linkedin_share&utm_medium=member_desktop_web).
As M&P Nord, we are delighted to be part of this fantastic project to create a new neighbourhood in the Hanseatic city of Hamburg with Grasbrook.
#mullundpartner #engineeringforabettertomorrow #Kampfmittel #grasbrook #HafenCity #eggersgruppe #munitionsaltlasten #mupgroup